Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2024-05-30, 10:10
RobbanUCs avatar
Kriget går allt sämre för Ukraina och både stödet och intresset från "vissa" ser ut att minska rejält.
Anton Gerashenko har nu helt tappat huvudet och kallar alla som inte deltar i konferensen i Schweiz för Putins lakejer, och detta innefattar även Biden.
“There are states that have clearly outlined their position in defense of democracy. These countries are participating in the June conference in Switzerland. And there are undecided states that can be considered as accomplices of the war,” Gerashchenko wrote on X

Anyone not participating in the Swiss ‘peace summit’ next month is a lackey of Russian President Vladimir Putin, prominent Ukrainian politician Anton Gerashchenko claimed on Thursday. His post was quickly deleted, however.

Ukrainian politician suggests US is ‘Putin’s lackey’
Igår, 01:44
RobbanUCs avatar
Zelenski blir allt mera obalanserad och hans uttalanden blir ständigt argare.
Om han fortsätter att avskeda sina medarbetare i samma takt så blir han snart ensam på Bankovaja.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not shied away from direct attacks on President Biden, telling reporters in Brussels on Tuesday that if the U.S. president skips a Ukrainian-organized peace summit next month in Switzerland, as is likely, “his absence will only be applauded by Putin, personally applauded by Putin, with a standing ovation.

Zelensky’s anger hardly is reserved for the White House alone. Diplomats and other officials in Kyiv noted that the president has ousted some senior Ukrainian officials who were viewed as being closest to Washington in recent weeks.
Igår, 01:49
RobbanUCs avatar
Nu påverkar kriget även tunnelbanan i Kiev.
Kiev metro complains of worker shortages due to conscription
The agency said about 7% of the city’s subway workers have already been drafted to serve in the ranks of the armed forces, and their number is constantly growing due to the mobilization drive. It also noted that it takes a long time to train new employees for many subway-related jobs. For instance, a train mechanic has to undergo at least 12 months of training before beginning work on the line.

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